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Age of children in Room no.2
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Age of children in Room no.3
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Age of children in Room no.4
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Age of children in Room no.5
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Age of children in Room no.6
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Age of children in Room no.7
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Age of children in Room no.8
People in Room No.9
Age of children in Room no.9
People in Room No.10
Age of children in Room no.10
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Hotel Flora

- - Ischia - Isola d'Ischia - Italia
L'entrata Piscina esterna termale con solarium attrezzato. Camera Superior Piscina Termale coperta Camera Superior con Balcone. Percorso benessere Sauna Camera Superior con balcone Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. La Hall Sala Ristorante Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Servizi privati camera superior. Vasca Jacuzzi. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Sala fitness Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Piscina esterna Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Servizi privati camera standard Reception Beauty Farm L'esterno Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no. Hotel Flora  Phone 081.1975.1975 - Photo no.

Recensioni dei clienti di Hotel Flora

The guest reviews express the personal opinions of the customers who have booked through our systems and who filled out a questionnaire after their stay at the hotel. These opinions do not necessarily represent the views of this site who is not in any way responsible.

Total average ratings 8.80
on 7 reviews
7 guests would recommend this hotel to a friend.
Average specific judgments
staff 9.1
service 8.3
cleaning 9.0
comfort 8.6
money 9.0
posizione 8.9
meals 8.6
Reviews by type
Guest type Average Guest
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
  • Review of del 10/08/2022
    Guest type: Group of friends
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  10
    service:  8
    cleaning:  8
    comfort:  8
    money:  9
    posizione:  8
    meals:  10
    Average:  8.71
    Positive Rating: Buona posizione, centrale ma non rumoroso, pulito, stanza essenziale e accogliente, personale gentile e disponibile, buona la cucina,
  • Review of del 21/06/2022
    Guest type: Solo traveler
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  9
    service:  8
    cleaning:  8
    comfort:  8
    money:  9
    posizione:  8
    meals:  7
    Average:  8.14
    Positive Rating: Nel complesso il soggiorno è stato positivo. le camere ariose e pulite

    Negative judgment: Non saprei
  • Review of del 24/05/2022
    Guest type: Group of friends
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  8
    service:  8
    cleaning:  9
    comfort:  8
    money:  9
    posizione:  8
    meals:  8
    Average:  8.29
    Positive Rating: Hotel in ottima posizione,personale molto gentile,pulizia accurata.buono qualità prezzo

    Negative judgment: Hotel da ristrutturare un po' ma nel complesso dignitiso
  • Review of del 22/10/2019
    Guest type: Group
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  10
    service:  9
    cleaning:  10
    comfort:  9
    money:  10
    posizione:  10
    meals:  10
    Average:  9.71
  • Review of del 01/10/2019
    Guest type: Mature couple
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  8
    service:  8
    cleaning:  10
    comfort:  9
    money:  8
    posizione:  10
    meals:  9
    Average:  8.86
    Positive Rating: ottimo rapporto qualita, prezzo, sicuramente consigliato

    Negative judgment: le stutture della palestra non erano tutte funzionanti
  • Review of del 04/06/2019
    Guest type: Mature couple
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  10
    service:  8
    cleaning:  9
    comfort:  9
    money:  8
    posizione:  10
    meals:  8
    Average:  8.86
    Positive Rating: Hotel molto riservato e n generale ottimo per la copie che hanno voglia di tranquillità.

    Negative judgment: Mancano in loco la possibilità di fare i fanghi.
  • Review of del 27/07/2010
    Guest type: Family (children)
    Would recommend to a friend!

    staff:  9
    service:  9
    cleaning:  9
    comfort:  9
    money:  10
    posizione:  8
    meals:  8
    Average:  8.86
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